The world has a buy-and-throw problem.
So much so that up to half of the world's beauty products end up, untouched and brand new, in landfills. When I thought about this fact, I couldn't sleep at night.

So much so that up to half of the world's beauty products end up, untouched and brand new, in landfills. When I thought about this fact, I couldn't sleep at night.
Born into an Indian household in America and Canada, I saw two realities.The reality of living at home in an Indian household, and the reality that confronted me when I stepped outside.
At home, mom made frugal and mindful decisions on behalf of my family all while working a full-time job. This is just how Indian households operate. Indian households regard resources as precious and finite. Waste is frowned upon, and every effort is made to salvage and utilize what is available.

But in the outside world, I began to notice a tendency to discard things without hesitation whether it was a slightly freckled fruit or a beauty product that didn't yield immediate results. There was constant pressure to buy shiny, new things vs appreciating what you already had.
This stark contrast sparked a curiosity to explore what the world would look like if these two realities met.
With my background in science, I value empirical evidence and controlled environments provided by Western scientific methods. But I also deeply appreciate our mindful traditions, backed by centuries of observation and real-world experimentation.
I founded Solterra to celebrate this synergy of East and West. We need to recognize that this planet's resources are finite and should be treated with respect and care - including our own bodies, skin and wellbeing.

We curate products that blend Western empirical data with Eastern generational data. We acknowledge that sustainability goes beyond buzzwords into actual, real-world action. We firmly encourage conscious consumption, while giving people the power to buy products that are nourishing, replenishing and wholesome: not only to you but to the planet.
We're on a journey to create revolutionary new formulas that work in the long run, using prevention as a guiding force vs an instant-fix cure.
Thanks for being here on this amazing journey with me. Look around. Stay a while.